Daily Structure (Tuesday and Thursday)
Tournament Information:
- Entry Fee – $40 with a Starting Stack of 15,000 chips
- Rebuys – $20 for 10,000 chips (Up to 2 rebuys allowed anytime before the first break)
- Add-on – $30 for 20,000 at the first break
- Blind Levels are 15 minutes
- Breaks will occur after every 4 levels

Saturday Night Poker
Tournament Information:
- Entry Fee – $50 with a Starting Stack of 20,000 chips
- Rebuys – $30 for 10,000 chips (Up to 2 rebuys allowed anytime before the first break)
- Add-on – $40 for 20,000 at the first break
- Blind Levels are 20 minutes
- Breaks will occur after the first 6 levels and every 4 levels after

Main Event Structures
ournament Information:
- Stack Size and rebuy options are subject to change based on Tournament offering
- See tournament page for specific details

Payout Schedule and Rules

Standard Rules For All Tournaments
- By participating in this tournament, you agree to abide by the rules and behave in a courteous manner. Player, where in the hand or not, may not discuss the hands, including cards discarded or possible hands, until the action is complete. Abusive and/or offensive behavior will not be tolerated and may be penalized.
- The designated language for this tournament is English.
- Initial seating is determined by random draw.
- Stack sizes and blind structure will be based on the tournament structure.
- Dealers will eliminate lower chip values after the 8thh Before Starting the 8thl level all white chips (100) will be traded in in for Blue chips (500). If players still have remaining chips (not enough to make 500) the remaining chips will be topped up to a 500 chip. Example if one player has one white chip he will receive a blue 500 chip. Player 2 has 3 white chips and Player 3 has 2 white chips, they will each receive a 500 chip.
- Chip values and colours are as followed;
- Orange = 100000
- Pink = 25000
- Black = 10000
- Green = 5000
- Red = 1000
- Blue = 500
- White = 100
- Participating in The Bad Beat Bonus is voluntary.
- The cost is $5 per participant with $3.50 (70%) going to the Accumulator. It will accumulate during every Tuesday and Thursday events until it is won.
- 50 % of the Accumulator goes to the player that suffers the Bad Beat, 30% of the Accumulator goes to the player that plays the higher hand and 20% is split between the remaining participating players at the table.
- If there are only 2 participating players remaining at the table and the Bad Beat Accumulator is won, 70% goes to the player who suffers the Bad Beat and 30% goes to the other player with the higher hand.
- The $5 voluntary fee must be paid at time of tournament entry in order to be claimed by the winning player.
- The Bat Beat Bonus Accumulator will be seeded with $500.
- A Bad Beat is when a participating player has a Full House with 3-Aces and 2-Kings or better and is beaten by a better hand.
- Example of Bad Beat:
- Player A has 3 Aces and 2 Kings and Player B has 4 Tens and a Queen, Player A has just suffered a “Bad Beat”
- Player A that suffered the Bad Beat with Aces Full of Kings would win 50% of the Accumulator, Player B that beat Aces Full of Kings would win 30% of the Accumulator and the remaining 20% of the Accumulator would be split equally between the other participating players at the table. Both player cards (face down) must be used to produce the Bad Beat in order to win the accumulated jackpot, if 4 or more cards from the flop (shared cards) are used the Accumulator will not be won.
- All players need to have paid the $5 to win any part of the accumulator.
- Winners of the Bad Beat Bonus will be paid by cheque within 3 business days from NEHP.
- No refunds will be given.
- No minimum limits or conditions for raises.
- If there is split pot with an uneven amount of chips, the dealer will shuffle the deck and then flip a card (Ace high) and the highest card will receive the additional chip(s).
- Players are eliminated if they are out of chips and do not or cannot rebuy more chips.
- Rebuys can be bought from the event organizer and are $20 for 10,000 7000 chips and players may purchase up to two rebuys unit the end of level 4.
- There is an Add-on at that break after level 4 for $30 for 15,000 chips.
- The Tournament will be played until only one player remains and that person will be awarded 1st place. The other prizes will be awarded in reverse order of finish, 2nd last player is awarded 2nd place and 3rd last player is awarded 3rd place, 4th last player is awarded 4th place and 5th last player is awarded 5th place. This will be based on the top 10% of players receiving cash payouts. The minimum prize payout will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd. If 40 to 50 players there will be a 4th place prize pay out, if 50 players or more are playing there will be a 5th prize payout as well.
- In the event of a tournament standing ties; ties will split prize.
- A player may leave the table at any time unless they have action pending. A player that is not at their seat when the last card is dealt will have their hand folded until they return, if the player misses a blind the blind amount will be taken from that players chips by the dealer.
- A player who has not returned to their seat in a reasonable time (20 minutes) may be deemed by the pit boss to have abandoned their seat. If such a determination is made they will be eliminated from play and their chips removed from play.
- As players are eliminated, tables are broken in a pre-set order, with players from the broken tables assigned to empty seats at other tables. This order will be determined by the tournament director prior to the start of the tournament.
- Tables will be maintained to as close as even numbers as possible. Relocated players will be moved as close as possible to their seat at their previous table.
- A change of seat is not allowed after play starts, except as assigned by the tournament director.
- The number of players at each table will be kept reasonably balanced by the transfer of players as needed.
- Player may not use cell phones or other non-medical devices while at a tournament table.